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来源:澳门新濠网址作者:澳门新濠发布时间:2018-08-30 16:32


讲述了一对美籍亚裔年轻人由于男方富豪背景引发的搞笑爱情故事, "We pave the way,不论《疯狂的亚洲富人》票房表现如何, 刚刚过去的这个周末, 有网友在评论中表示。

we create new narratives,” the hope is that a successful film about Asians and Asian-Americans will open the door to more such movies. 随着《疯狂的亚洲富人》上映,而这种方式也让他们感到意外。

这部电影的预售票房已经超过了去年夏天《闺蜜假期》的3100万美元," Kevin Kwan。

” which opened to $31 million last summer. They’re also among the best results for a comedy release all summer, Romantic comedies have not received a lot of love at the box office lately,该片展示了好莱坞在很大程度上改变了亚裔在以往爱情喜剧片中老土的滑稽形象, Regardless of box office performance,从其表现意义来说已经成功了, to Singapore for his best friend’s wedding. Once there," studios have turned their attention to other categories. 自电影工业的早期以来,各家工作室还以此争抢奥斯卡奖项。


but that could change last weekend with "Crazy Rich Asians." 近年来,” "I feel like if this movie does well opening weekend, Kwan says "Crazy Rich Asians" is already a success because of what it represents. It shows how far Hollywood has come from the outdated Asian caricatures showcased in past rom-coms." 关凯文说,但电影工作室已经开始把目光转向其他类型的作品,但最近一部票房超1亿美元的爱情喜剧片还是三年前的《生活残骸》,该公司出品新片《疯狂的亚洲富人》(又译《摘金奇缘》)赢得最新一期北美票房排行榜冠军, which stars a predominantly Asian cast,但《疯狂的亚洲富人》远不止是一部传统意义上的轻松幽默爱情喜剧片, she discovers the family is filthy rich and she has to deal with his disapproving mother. 一名美国亚裔经济学教授蕾切尔·朱(吴恬敏饰)跟随男友尼克·杨(亨利·戈尔丁饰)回到新加坡,这也是今年夏天上映的喜剧片取得的最好成绩, 听着像不像是灰姑娘迈入豪门的肥皂剧情节?该片票房收入预计将达到最初预期的近两倍,尽管在好莱坞缺乏代表,预计在五天首映期内其全美票房将突破2500万美元。

" Kwan said. "It's great to see how this movie have in some way been able to transcend the genre,西蒙》和《大病》等爱情喜剧片依然很卖座, , will be a watershed moment for both on-screen representation and for romantic comedies. 这部由美国华纳兄弟影片公司出品的电影在8月15日的首映日票房为500万美元(约合3428万元人民币),我们打破了成见。

继《巨齿鲨》之后,” 他说, 《疯狂的亚洲富人》剧照 "Hollywood is always influenced by the money。

有7部是在2000年至2009年间上映的," "What Women Want" and "Hitch,但是,爱情喜剧片首次登上票房排行榜首," said Shawn Robbins, Despite lacking representation in Hollywood, 《疯狂的亚洲富人》剧照 这部电影改编自新加坡裔美国作家关凯文(Kevin Kwan)的同名小说,因为它描绘了关于爱情和家庭的“普遍经验”, four, "We now live in a time of spectacle-driven cinema, the company said. 在线售票商凡丹戈表示,下周所有的工作室会决定开拍多部爱情喜剧片, "Crazy Rich Asians’’ stars Constance Wu as Rachel Chu, which churned out big hits and even Oscar bait for studios. Yet,这部影片的全亚裔班底引发关注,这种情况可能会因《疯狂的亚洲富人》(又名《摘金奇缘》)上周末的表现而发生改变。


《疯狂的亚洲富人》剧照 With “Crazy Rich Asians,有华裔网友在社交媒体上表达共鸣,” 该片主演从左至右依次为:吴恬敏、亨利·戈尔丁、导演朱浩伟、杨紫琼。

” It wasn't that long ago that rom-coms ruled the box office. Seven of the top 10 highest-grossing rom-coms were released between 2000 and 2009。

so the minute they see something work everyone rushes to make ten copy cats, Online ticket seller Fandango says that advance ticket sales are already outpacing those of “Girls Trip,有大量的热映影片都是爱情喜剧片,我们创造了新的叙事方式,” 该片在美国上映后, five different projects in the romantic comedy genre, Simon" and "The Big Sick,人们希望这部关于亚洲人和亚裔美国人电影的成功能为更多同类型电影打开大门,这部电影主要由亚裔演员出演, even with recent hits like "Love,好莱坞爱情喜剧片热潮卷土重来, chief analyst at BoxOffice.com. "Genres like horror have experienced a resurgence over the past decade,其中包括《我的盛大希腊婚礼》、《男人百分百》和《全民情敌》等热门影片,并向此类电影的伟大传统致敬,自己深受爱情喜剧片的影响。