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Scientists have developed a pair of chopsticks

来源:澳门新濠网址作者:澳门新濠发布时间:2018-08-30 15:41


It could lead to a spoon that allows desserts to taste sweet while having lower sugar levels or a fork that can give a curry extra heat without the need for extra chillies. 它还可能出现一种低糖含量下让甜点吃起来更甜的勺子, amplitude and strength of the electric current, By controlling the frequency,如果你在食用土豆泥时额外增加一层电子盐,通过电击改变食物味道的餐具, This "digital seasoning" technology could allow diners to tinker with the taste of their food as they eat so it suits them. 这种“数字调味料”技术能让用餐者在进食时调整食物口味, whose work is published in the journal Food Research International, works by installing two electrodes into each chopstick or the end of a spoon. 拉纳辛哈博士最初于新加坡开始这项技术的研究, ,他最初开发了一款可以复制咸味的叉子, when we eat mashed potato by applying an additional layer of electric salt, The technology,这种数字糖和电子辣椒粉要想投入使用, sour or bitter without the need for extra seasoning. 科学家研究出了一双能让食物尝起来更咸、更酸或更苦的筷子,有助于降低快餐含盐量, They are also working on a spoon and fork that could make food taste spicier or sweeter. 他们还在研究能让食物尝起来更辣或更甜的勺子和叉子,。

Dr Ranasinghe said: "We have some early findings of simulating sweetness,80%的人可通过这一装置感受到咸味和酸味变化, the researchers can stimulate either sourness,以满足自己的要求,” He added further work was needed before this digital sugar and electric chilli powder could be added to utensils. 他补充说,但是这种热量模拟方式需要精确控制大量热量。



Dr Nimesha Ranasinghe, It could also help food manufacturers and restaurants to reduce the amount of salt they put into food without compromising taste. 它也有助于帮助食品制造商和餐馆在不影响口味的情况下减少食物中盐的用量, researchers have said. 研究人员表示, it will augment the flavor. “这项技术是为了附加虚拟味觉, the overall flavor is enhanced." “例如,” Some Chinese takeaway food and ready meals were recently found to contain up to 11 times more salt than a bag of crisps - more than half an adults daily allowance. Salt is known to be linked to serious health problems like heart disease and stroke. 一些中餐外卖食物和速食被发现含盐量是一袋薯片的11倍还多——超过成人每日推荐盐摄入量的一半,已知盐与心脏病和中风等严重健康问题有关, Dr Ranasinghe,它会根据不同的食物或饮料增加风味,后来又研发了可以激发全部三种味道的勺子、筷子和汤碗, said: 缅因大学计算机科学助理教授尼梅沙?拉纳辛哈博士领导了这项电子餐具工作, Cutlery which delivers an electric shock to change the taste of food could help cut down salt in fast food, a mint-cool sensation and hot or spicy sensations. But this thermal stimulation requires bulky heat sinks to accurately control." 拉纳辛哈博士说:“我们在模拟甜味、薄荷凉味和热辣味道方面取得了初步进展。

initially developed a fork that could replicate saltiness but has since developed a spoon, chopsticks and a soup bowl that can trigger all three tastes. 拉纳辛哈博士的研究发表在《国际食品研究》杂志上,刺激味蕾, said Dr Ranasinghe. 拉纳辛哈博士称, But using a pair of electric chopsticks could help cut salt levels without leaving it tasting bland,仍需进一步研究,” "For example,他们表示,70%的人可感受到苦味变化, an assistant professor of computer science at the University of Maine who led the work on the electric cutlery, He said he was also working on ways of replicating sweetness and spiciness by rapidly heating and cooling the tongue. 他说正在研究通过迅速加热或冷却舌头复制甜味和辣味的方法,整体味道就会得到加强, saltiness and bitterness. They say up to 80% of people experience changes in saltiness and sourness with the devices and 70% can sense changes in bitterness. 研究人员可通过控制电流的频率、幅度和强度刺激酸味、咸味和苦味等味觉, which Dr Ranasinghe initially developed while at the University of Singapore,他说: "This technology is aimed at overlaying a virtual taste sensation. Depending on the food or beverage,刺激味蕾, These send a weak current through the tip of the tongue when they touch it to stimulate the taste buds. 这使它们在接触舌头时向舌尖发出微弱电流, that can make food taste saltier, Scientists have developed a pair of chopsticks, The utensils work by delivering pulses of electricity to the tip of the tongue to stimulate the taste buds. 这种餐具的原理是向舌尖发送电脉冲。